I mentioned in one of my other posts how huge the
greater Los Angeles area is, which to me means "lots o' choice" as to what to write about. Then the friendly couple from Bakersfield who chatted with me while waiting to be seated in the audience at
the Bonnie Hunt Show mentioned, "Did I watch
Huell Howser?" Who? So, I was a tidge concerned where the conversation may lead.
It led to talking about a place called
Pink's on Melrose Avenue and LaBrea Avenue in Hollywood. Had I been there? No, I hadn't. After all the good stuff
Dr. Wayne Dyer talked about during the show, I decided to let the universe flow through me and make Pink's my next place to sightsee.
Sure enough as I waited at the light to go north on LaBrea at Melrose, I spied Pink's off to my left. I was surprised (although I'm not sure why I should have been since I didn't have a preconceived notion about what to expect), to find Pink's didn't appear to be much more than a glorified hot dog stand. Plus, there was a line. I don't enjoy lines. Okay, I don't have anything against lines. It's the waiting the line implies...but I digress.
I didn't immediately search for parking. On this day I was multi-tasking. There is another anniversary in the media currently that I wanted to address, as well. It's landmark is a little further up the street. Stay tuned.
I continued north on LaBrea, found the landmark and proceeded to determine where to park. It isn't that there aren't places to park. It's just most of them are connected with establishments that monitor if you are frequenting said establishment or not. The "not" gets towed.
Anyway, when I finally found my way back to Pink's there was still a line and it was longer. It took everything in me to stand in line and order...you know to get the full experience...instead of snapping a few photos and digital footage...then calling it a day.
I am glad I decided to go for the full experience. It was interesting how many different ways you can serve a hot dog. I was a little sad as I figured the menu would prominently list their signature offering and it might have a name like, "the original Pink's _____" (fill in the blank). Instead, it appears they are known for their chili dog.

The line appears to have a purpose. It allows you plenty of time to see what is offered and decide what you wish to order. There are a plethora of items to choose from and not just hot dogs. I have to say I was a bit excited to see they offer
sauerkraut. I'm a fan. Okay, I'm a fan as long as someone else is cooking it and serving it. Still, I'm a fan nonetheless.
Also, as you stand in line you have the opportunity to peruse signed photos of celebrities that have visited Pink's. I noticed
Steve Martin's photo in two different locations. I'm not sure why he is so special. I'm just sayin'!
After you order, you move to the paying and pick-up area. It is here where you see there is so much more to this landmark than what you would expect if all you have ever seen is a picture of the front of the restaurant. There is an enclosed back eating area with a wall of celebrity photos. There is also an outdoor eating area and a parking lot for patrons.
I sat outside to eat my selection. I have to say I wasn't overly impressed with my food. The thought popped in my mind that I had paid almost $3.65 for this. A
hot dog! As I was about to think, "too much", I was happy that another thought popped in. "Hello! You think nothing of spending $3.85 for an iced, grande,
caramel macchiato." Enough said.
Anyway, maybe my expectations by then were a little too high. After all, to me hype implies there is something worthy of the hype. Then again, perhaps in the same way a hot dog from a ball park tastes so much better than the ones I make at home, when you factor in the experience, it just may be worthy of the hype.
Having said that, I feel congratulations are definitely in order for a business that can successfully span 70 years in the same place with the same owners. Congratulations, Pink's!
As I finished my food and walked away, I expected this to be the end of my story. When I was passing Pink's on my way home, OMG! The line was even longer than when I had been there earlier. I had to film this.
By now Pink's parking lot was beyond full. It was before 7 PM so no parking on LaBrea. In this area, the side streets do not allow parking after 6 PM unless you have an appropriate sticker denoting you as a resident of the area. Believe me...the Parking Police will not hesitate to issue you a $55 parking ticket. At this point with my own dogs barking (you know, tired feet), I simply opted to do a drive by shooting, which I include in the video below. Enjoy!