Most of the time I write about places to see in SoCal which are pretty much permanent, like Point Dume (pronounced doo-may) in Malibu, not faces. For this blog post I make an exception. For this blog post I am writing about someone who is so much more than a face. Someone who has given himself the moniker, hobo.
I feel fortunate to have spent some time with this happy-go-lucky hobo, aka Keith Salender, before the current rain-athon the greater Los Angeles area has been experiencing.
When I last saw Keith at the Manhattan Beach Pier on a beautiful and sunny Saturday, he was off to continue his trek which started in a place known for gray skies and rain, Seattle. His destination: the U.S. Commonwealth (I like that word) of Pennsylvania. Taking the long way. Down the Pacific Coast. Across the southern U. S. of A. to Georgia. Then up the Appalachian Trail to Pennsylvania. That's the plan.
I feel fortunate that this fine young man, who reminds me of one of my own sons, has friended me on Facebook so I may be updated on his progress. According to a recent post, Keith has already reached Dana Point, which according to MapQuest is about sixty miles from Manhattan Beach.
Sixty miles in six days in the most consecutive rain this area has had in five years. Did I mention accomplishing this trek by walking? Walking! You foot in front of the step at a time with his only bag of tricks, the backpack that travels with him. I told him it reminded me of the movie, "Up In The Air" with George Clooney. He hadn't seen it. Guess he's been busy.
Now one might think all of this rain would make "Keith the Hobo" sad, desirous of pity or something similar. You decide considering what this hobo has been doing to stay entertained during his slowed down trek agenda during this rain-athon. Cry? Hardly! Complain? I don't think so. Wine? No thanks! He's off of caffeine and alcohol during his trip.
Keith is teaching himself songs (which he is referring to as "dittys") and recording them on his now fallen-off-a-cliff, a little-worse-for-wear ukulele. He's also managed to find ways to upload the "dittys" to YouTube to his "Keiththehobo" channel.
Who needs a flashlight when you have that 100-watt smile to light your way. God speed, my friend.
*****March 22, 2010 Update*****
Keith has been following the railroad tracks that run parallel and close to I-10. Your SoCal gal met Keith at Point Dume on January 13, 2010. On March 13, he entered New Mexico and should be entering Texas in the next day or two.
Keith ran into an interesting phenomenon while in New Mexico's dessert, snow. If you wish to see his video showcasing this phenom, please click here.
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