One of the great things about the greater Los Angeles area is we have whatever "it" is, which makes it worthwhile for authors who wish to promote their book willing to show up at a local book store (even if it is one of many book stores in that particular chain of bookstores) for free to mingle with the people. Okay, the people who show up for the book signing.
Of course, I assume part of the incentive to show up is the author hopes people will buy the book, which the author will sign. In my rainbow colored world, I'd like to assume the author also hopes you read their book before selling the "signed by the author, first edition" on Amazon for a profit.
As I write this, last night was no exception. Jesse Ventura spoke at Borders Books, 3700 Torrance Boulevard in Torrance about his new book, American Conspiracies, to a group of at least a hundred people, your CaliforniVacation SoCal gal included.
This was the first book signing I ever attended. Not sure what moved me. Maybe some sort of cosmic somthing that first brought "the body" into my consciousness that had me name my cat, the body, in 1978 only later to vote for Jesse "the mind" for Governor of Minnesota in 1997. Still later seeing him on Leno talking about his move to Baja "off the grid" as I believe former Governor Ventura refers to it. So...I guess I was interested to see what venting Ventura might offer up.
I read recently, write about something controversial and you'll have more response than you know what to do with. This may be one of the reasons why Jesse Ventura has endured in the media spotlight for over thirty years. Love him or hate him. Agree or disagree with him. He has the courage to say what is on his mind.
While I didn't buy his book, nor do I intend to or intend to read it after seeing him at the book signing (I like to think I am more about focusing on creating fresh futures than rehashing what may or may not be past conspiracies); I enjoyed what he had to say. If most book signings are this entertaining, I feel fairly confident this won't be my last one.
At this point you may be thinking, "Lori, this is a sightseeing venue. Aren't you spending a little too much time writing about former Governor Ventura?"
No and yes.
No, because I would like to put it out there that if you are in the Los Angeles area, Tuesday, March 16th; you still have a chance to see the former governor in person at the Third Street Promenade Barnes and Noble in Santa Monica at 7 PM.
Yes, because this is about sightseeing. So, in closing, I include the following resources:
Celebrity Book Signings and Events - list is by celebrity and where in the country they plan to be;
Borders Books (to find the store closest to you) or Borders Torrance Page (which lists store events);
and to give equal time to Barnes and Noble;
Barnes and Noble (to find the store closest to you) or Barnes and Noble at the Grove (which lists store events).
Some of the guys I was sitting by at the Ventura event were talking about Raquel Welch at the Grove Barnes and Noble on April 6th. They would like to go there to see her and were pondering if she'd ever been a cover girl for Playboy (December, 1979). I mentioned I'd be more inclined to see Gene Wilder, in my mind the perfect Willy Wonka no matter how much I love Johnny Depp, April 5, 2010.
In closing I just wish to add a note of appreciation to all of you who read whether it is an article, a book or the CaliforniVacation blog from yours truly, your SoCal gal. Bless you and Mahalo!
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