Like the dutiful Tour Guide Goddess I am, of course I would go to the Manhattan Beach Pier to give my awesome readers the low down on the pier and expose what a different experience it is from El Porto.
As just about every day is beautiful and sunny, sometimes I can forget it is fall. When I left at 6 PM to go to the pier had I remembered it is October and how early the sun goes down, I would have made a point to go earlier. Too late. Too bad. Or was it?
There are many roads which lead to the pier. As I pondered them, I decided the best would be drive south to Manhattan Beach Boulevard and go west. I know. Clever. Manhattan Beach Boulevard takes you directly to downtown Manhattan Beach and the pier.
What I hadn't pondered was the almost audible gasp I let out at my first sighting of the ocean. As you continue west on Manhattan Beach Boulevard and pass Pacific Avenue, Manhattan Beach Boulevard starts to lose elevation. As you drive this way there is what almost seems like a visual illusion where now you don't see it, now you do. If you are like me with my inexplicable love for the ocean, after not having seen the ocean for so long (you know...about a day), any first ocean glimpse for me is almost like seeing it for the first time.
The more I thought about the different posts I would make, the more I desired to see if I could somehow share this moment with you by filming it. I vowed to return the next day and film the view. Next day came and it was overcast. I didn't think that would make too much of a difference. So, off I went. I parked by Pacific and Manhattan Beach Boulevard reasoning it might make for more dramatic filming if I walked instead of trying to film and drive at the same time.
It just wasn't the same by foot. Before you ponder feeling sorry for me, know it wasn't a total bust. I was able to prove to myself I can walk, talk, chew gum AND film at the same time without falling. Also, there was much going on worthy of filming and sharing, which was satisfying.
I intended on leaving it at that when the very next day I found out I will be the L.A. Destination Examiner for At least as I write this it is all in process. Process means emailing a photo...of me. Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh! As you may or may not know I use the smiley face as my avatar for all my web presences. I did not possess an appropriate photo of me in digital form to email
Did you see that light bulb flash?
I could give the video view one more shot and have my photo taken with the ocean in the background, which seems appropriate. I'd go about sunset time to get the colors. I'd have my camera ready and film that first moment from my car to see if that made a difference. It would be better than good. It would be golden.
Three Strikes You're Out!
The view still didn't seem to be the same magical "something" that had me almost gasp with delight as I caught that first glimpse of the ocean. I'm including the video anyway. Maybe it will move you.
Before you go feeling sorry for me, know it wasn't a total bust. I still got a photo I am almost happy with. That's almost a miracle in itself. Plus, the entire three day experience left me with a new found appreciation for the Manhattan Beach Pier area I previously did not possess. It also inspired me with the title for this blog post and an esoteric mind trip about how something as generic as going to the beach doesn't mean that each time is not unique. Each experience is unique. Each can certainly feel like the first time if you let it.
And with that to quote Bob Hope, "Thanks for the memories."
Below is a bonus video showing what the sky looked like the first night I mention in this blog post and what the view looked like as I was walking (also mentioned). Enjoy.
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