Welcome to my first post. I write this from the very balcony I captured the digital images you see in the video I included with this blog.
I just finished looking at a book about Blogging for dollars. I really was looking to find books on getting better at using my video camera and better at using my editing software, Sony Vegas. Couldn't find a book on either and found the blogging book.
Californication is about to start a new season on Showtime and for whatever reason the Californivacation popped into my head a few days ago. I felt like it would make a great blog.
I live in L.A. and have for the last five years. I'm also one of those rare people who is a California Original. I was born in Inglewood, the City of Champions.
When the Californivacation popped into my mind, while the word play delighted me what would I do with it?
In 2001, I went to Vegas not for the gambling, but to visit a spiritual guru. During this trip, I was fortunate to spend time with a native of Las Vegas. In my opinion it was sort of like seeing what's behind the curtain compared to the "norm" of what most think of as the what to do and where to go when visiting Vegas.
This May I was fortunate enough to visit Hawaii. I love it. Can I just say? I was so enthralled with the beaches and the beauty. I almost didn't want to leave. I refer to myself on occasion as "ocean dork Bjork". I love ocean beaches that much.
I mention this because once I returned and started filming many of the beloved ocean beaches in SoCal (Southern California), I saw my home in a whole new light. It too has so much beauty if one has eyes to see it. When I shared this with a friend, we discussed how a person who lives in L.A. could probably spend an entire year exploring someplace new in SoCal and still have barely scratched the surface of what is available.
As I move forward, my intention is to explore Southern California and report back. I intend to explore some obvious and obscure destinations. In the process I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. I, also, hope to inspire you to feel like you are getting a more "behind the curtain" look at SoCal while providing information to help you plan your next, more fulfilling Californivacation: SoCal Style.
And so we begin.
P.S. About The Grove. The Grove is a shopping center in Los Angeles. If you love to shop, you'll love The Grove. Here's some 411 about The Grove. Just to the north of The Grove is CBS Television City. Celebrity sightings happen often. If you watch TMZ, the Cheesecake Factory they are always catching David Spade in front of is at The Grove. If you love hanging at Barnes and Noble it is one of the largest. There is an American Girl store at The Grove. Just west of The Grove is The Los Angeles Farmers Market, which is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year. There is so much to see and experience in the Farmers Market alone that it just may beg another Blog dedicated to trying something new there once a week.
The Grove is a bit more upscale and pricey as far as malls go. You are paying for the atmosphere. Oh, and there is a beautiful pond with a mini-Bellagio style water show and an amazing clock atop Nordstrom's. Their Christmas decor is worth seeing, as well, especially for the kids.
The Grove has a parking ramp for easy parking. The first two hours of parking can be validated by purchasing something at any of the shops, even if you simply buy a cup of coffee in the Barnes and Noble cafe. Parking is $3/hour otherwise with a $20 cap per day.
For more info, click
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