I wish to dedicate this blog to:
1. coming home
2. My aunt and uncle, (who when you think about Hawthorne, CA being incorporated in 1922) who have lived in Hawthorne since the mid-50s have knowledge galore about Southern California (SoCal). So when I moved back to SoCal after many years, they were awesome in so many ways but for being my personal SoCal tour guides. And their son, Eric (aka Barney, BMX trick biker), who has lived here his entire life and is a joy and font of SoCal info.
3. To my friend, Ericka, who not only introduced me to her brother who is the romantic love of my life, but by traveling with me to Hawaii almost five years after moving back to SoCal, which ended up being the inspiration for me to see my home, SoCal, with new eyes and fresh love. And, ultimately the inspiration for this blog.
4. my family who I love dearly and my continued love for the Divine and all that is Divine...for while this blog is about sharing outer destinations, it is only because of my inner journey that I have the confidence to put myself out there for the world to view and share with.
5. For all the awesomeness that is SoCal with such diverse and wondrous places to explore.
Blessings and Namaste to all. For all is Divine.
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1 month ago
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