El Porto is the name of the beach that is located at the north end of the city of Manhattan Beach.
As I mention in the video, it is the beach I visit the most because it is the closest one to where I live. This in no way means it is a lesser beach. In fact, just the opposite. So aren't I lucky? Don't hate me 'cuz I'm beau...close to an awesome beach.
El Porto is known as a surfer beach. You can almost always be assured that you will see surfers enjoying their waves anytime you visit. On the day I visited at the beginning of the video, there were too many to even count. I know I mention in the video that it is a great place to watch surfers. I realized, hello, it is obviously a great place to surf. Maybe that goes without saying.
El Porto also offers so much more when it comes to the beach experience. Unfortunately, I don't know of public transportation that gets too close. If you drive, you can drive around quite a bit to find free street parking. You may actually end up spending more on gas that way than you will to simply park in the provided area. FYI! Bring a whole bunch of quarters to feed the hungry meter. I want to know the meters trick. They eat more and still stay so slim and trim.
There is a bike path (if you want to bring your bike). You can bike all the way to Redondo Beach and back, if you like, or go north all the way to Marina Del Ray. Either way is a delightful little jaunt.
I personally love to get barefoot and walk down to where the wet sand is. Then I love to stroll with the feel of sand between my toes, to the Manhattan Beach Pier and back. It's great exercise, but I'm not thinking about that. I'm just feeling my love for this experience. I also love to watch for sand dollars. I've noticed many beaches now rarely have shells. Some beaches don't want you to remove anything because they feel it upsets the natural balance. Some beaches have lots of rocks. This stretch is where you just might be able to find a sand dollar. And when I do, I take it as a sign that it is my lucky day. One day I found about 15 sand dollars. I should have played the lottery that day. It's helpful for sand dollar prospecting if you walk the beach at low tide time.
As I walk, there are usually some of those cute little sand pipers playing along the beach. I get a kick out of watching them. It's like their biggest joy in life is to play with the water as it flows up the beach. Can they out walk it before it hits their little legs? It's like they can play all day and never get tired of it. I know...I just may be the ocean dork I claim I am.
As my trips usually include walking on the wet sand, I rarely ever use the walking path directly in front of the homes on the Strand. The Strand is the name that has been given to all the homes with immediate beach access. Personally, as much as I love the beach and would love to live at the beach, I wouldn't want to live in one of the homes on the Strand. Okay, maybe if you paid me to live there or I lived there for free. It's just that I often think of it as the sort of thing that happens at the zoo. You walk the Strand and you get to watch all of the people who live there in their natural habitat. And I know you should be looking at the ocean. Yet, like a train wreck, I can't seem to look away.
Of course, the first time you walk the Strand, some of the homes are truly magnificent works of art from an architectural standpoint. So, go ahead: look.
As I walked the Strand the day it rained, I noticed something else. First, no pets are allowed on the actual beach nor is any smoking. It has saved people from finding pet droppings or cig butts in the sand. Dogs are allowed to walk with you on the Strand. Poop bags are provided or bring your own pooper scooper. It's the law.
Second, gardens. I hadn't noticed before that many of the homes have gardens they keep up. So if that is something you enjoy looking at, you'll love strolling the Strand.
Before I TTFN...no that isn't anything dirty...it means "ta ta for now", two more quick things. One is that public facilities are provided and usually kept quite clean. There are also showers and places to rinse off sand and salt water from your body. You do need to bring your own towels, swim suits, sun screen and things like that. And oh yeah, no alcohol or BBQing.
Two is this is the more mellow and less tourist-y area of the city of Manhattan Beach. If that works for you, check it out. The other area, which will be the subject of my next blog, is the Manhattan Beach Pier area. Who knows? Maybe that actually makes Manhattan Beach the perfect spot for you. If you feel a little country or a little rock n' roll, this city offers two distinct beach experiences.
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