Now if you have been following my "Bjork's Best" blog posts so far, you know there is a method to my madness with the sights I've chosen to honor. The mini-tour began with your arrival at LAX with the excuse of having a few hours to burn before checking into your hotel. The first sight is the "best beach reveal". Then continuing north on the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to enjoy a coke, smile, taco and million dollar view. Then turning onto Sunset Boulevard to see the SRF Lake Shrine. Then back onto Sunset Boulevard headed to the PCH. Then turning north about 11 miles to experience wine tasting at Rosenthal's Malibu Winery Tasting Room.
From Rosenthal's turn left back onto the PCH going south. As you start driving south on the PCH, you will notice there are places where you may pull off to the side of the road and park for free with the beach and ocean within steps from your vehicle. If you surf, simply grab your surf board and paddle out to ride some waves. Yet a "best" implies a winner. Since it's my game, I get to decide what wins and why.
I chose the stretch just south of Sunset Boulevard because for one, it fits the criteria. For two, say you have been following "Bjork's Best Sights" blogs and you think, "Hey, this little mini-tour this CaliforniVacation woman has been suggesting seems like something I'd like to try, but not the Malibu portion." Since this award winner is just south of Sunset Boulevard on the PCH, you may still hit this sight from the SRF Lake Shrine.
Ahhh! It feels so good to experience and celebrate the sights of L.A.
The above photo was taken from the beach looking east. Yes, that white dot in the sky is the beautiful full moon. Also, that is my buddy, Ace, with the walking stick. It is his official beach walking stick, which he found, coincidentally, almost a year ago at this very beach.
The video below is almost a real-time view of driving down the PCH from the Malibu Pier to the sight we celebrate in this blog post. I edited out about three minutes worth of PCH that simply shows residential homes in order to keep the video under the 10-minute YouTube limit. So, if you wish to know what the view from your car would look like, this one's for you. Enjoy!
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