From the obvious to the obscure, Southern California (SoCal) has events and sights galore. This blog is about exploring and sharing the events and sights of SoCal.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
63. Best Sight L.A. To See Skateboarding Without A Skateboard
In L.A. it is currently award season. In honor of the season I created an award for "Best Sight L.A. To See Skateboarding Without A Skateboard". And the award goes to the a little over four months young (grand opening celebration was October 3, 2009), infant, Dennis 'Polar Bear' Agnew Memorial Skate Park on the beach in beautiful Venice, California (official address is 1800 Oceanfront Walk) aka Venice Beach Skate Park.
Now if you have been following "Bjork's Best" blog posts so far, you know there is a method to my madness with the sights I have chosen to honor. I've put a mini-tour (if you will) together which I dubbed "The Hotel California Tour", as the Hotel California is an award winning sight in my "Bjork's Best" series.
In case you have not been following, we just learned a travel tip from a brown pelican while at the rock pile landmark on the beach in Venice. We were about to turn left from there to see where it takes us.
Truth is on my turn left trek, I made a b-line right past this even if you aren't a skateboarder you will respect the design artistry of RRM Design Group in collaboration with Wormhoudt, Inc. and the construction effort of California Skateparks, Inc. that went into this multi-million dollar use of concrete fashioned into a skate park, which was funded through sources including Quimby developer fees and the Venice Area Surplus Property Sales Trust Fund to name a few.
As I have mentioned before, my cousin, Eric, is a bmx trick biker. So, I walked to the adjacent concrete where the bmx bikers were riding to watch them for a while.
There were also some skateboarders in this area, which I dubbed a skate boarding "bunny hill" for beginners. When you see the new Venice Beach Skate Park, you just have to figure it is not the place beginners go to learn.
After a few minutes I decided to check out the Skate Park area. One of my very first blogs was about the skate park in Hawthorne, which I like to refer to as Skate Park 90250. I would have loved to film some 90250 skateboarders in action. Denied. The reason I was given was they need to be careful that pedophiles won't end up hanging out there. So I was concerned that someone might deny me filming at this skate park, as well. Thankfully, this was not the case.
Watch the video. Note how well these skateboarders get along. Note how the skateboarders seem to defy gravity. Note one of the skateboarders is female. Note how there appears to be a magical, energetic field between feet and skateboard, which keeps the board from falling from their feet.
Note #58 with the white/black checked cap. Watch him in the thick of the riding area.
You would swear from his form he is riding a skateboard. Watch him end his ride jumping off of the wheels under his feet...seemingly skateboarding but without a skateboard. Amazing!
When I finished filming, this "wiz on wheels" was nowhere to be found. Okay, nowhere that I saw. I tried every Google search my brain would conjure so I may report about his wheels. I found nothing.
One thing is for sure, I enjoyed the show. The show, I mean skate park is open from dawn to dusk.
Just in case you were wondering, this 16,000 square foot skate park is the only one in the world located on a beach. Kudos to Venice, who along with Santa Monica is considered to be pioneer skate boarding territory.
Ahhh! It feels good to celebrate the sights of L.A.
Mahalo. Gracias. Merci. Doumo Arigatou. Thank you. Danke. Toda Raba. Mille Grazie.
I am truly thrilled and appreciate all who visit and read my blog. I sightsee then blog about it for my pleasure and love of this area of the world I live in known as Southern California (SoCal).
I couldn't possibly read the minds of all who may read my blog. Just the same it is my desire you enjoy my blog posts (or at least find them somewhat interesting, you learned something about SoCal you didn't know or it spurs you to visit somewhere in SoCal you may not have previously considered) knowing I've sprinkled joy into every post I lovingly craft for this CaliforniVacation blog.
Lori is a Clear Light practitioner. Clear Light is high frequency modality used to restore the recipient's physical body, mind, emotional and spiritual essence to its original perfection. Clear light may also be used to raise the vibe of any physical location such as a home, business, restaurant, hotel, etc. By keeping your home and business vibe higher, you attract more of the same to your home or business.
Lori is an advocate for well-being, peace, divinity, feeling good and loving life. She loves creating, exploring and sharing. Some of her creations include nb2c (not born 2 conform) series of designs and CaliforniVacation: SoCal Style Blog.
Lori thanks you for clicking and considering the amazing advertisers who support her web real estate. Mahalo, for without you, Lori's web presences are just her playing with her self. Just sayin'!
Blessings. Namaste. Mahalo. Aloha.
P.S. Please feel free to share.
As I wrote the first post for this blog, an inspired idea popped into my mind. Others may read this and wish they could blog too, if for no other reason than the fun of it. But how, Lori? How can we blog too?
First let me remind you, if I can blog, you can blog. It is easy. It's as easy as writing the thoughts in your head, your own personal mind cuisine. If you simply want to blog as your own personal diary, therapy, appreciation list, wish list, goals or just for the fun of it; you have the choice to not give a BLEEP how good of a writer you are or how great your punctuation is. You also have the option to allow no one else to read your blog except those you give permission to.
If the only thing holding you back is getting set up, I am able to help you. Of course, this would require a monetary investment in exchange for this service (I hope you don't work for free). Once we connect and agree to terms, I'll have you up and running in as little as 10 minutes. Call me. I mean email me,
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