Now if you have been following my "Bjork's Best" blog posts so far, you know there is a method to my madness with the sights I have chosen to honor. I'm putting a mini-tour together I have decided to name, The Hotel California Tour. Coincidentally, the Hotel California was the previous blog post award winner.
Located at Ocean and Pacific Avenue, the Hotel California is a very close neighbor, just a few blocks, to the Santa Monica Pier at Ocean and Colorado Avenue. It just seemed perfect to create a category worthy of honoring this well-known pier.
Right about now you may be thinking, Lori might have awarded the Santa Monica Pier for being the most world famous pier of those in the greater Los Angeles area; included in many movies, TV shows and music videos.
She might have awarded the Santa Monica Pier for being the longest pier in the greater Los Angeles area at 2,000 feet.
She might have awarded the Santa Monica Pier for being the only pier in the greater Los Angeles area with a Ferris wheel and amusement park on it.
She might have awarded the Santa Monica Pier for being the best pier in the greater Los Angeles area for anglers.
She might have awarded this pier for being free and open every day of the year, 24/7.

She might have awarded this pier for being the only one with a pier-adjacent carousel and an aquarium under the pier.
Right about now you may be thinking, Lori might have awarded the Santa Monica Pier for many things which make it one of the premier, must-see sights it is.
Ahhh! It feels good to celebrate. It feels good to celebrate the sights of L.A.
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